Thursday, June 12, 2008

Political Insiders Kyle and Ana Riley Ride Political Influence Train to the Top

In this unfortunately less-than-widely read article -- the Standard Times introduces Ana Riley as the next Assistant Superintendent of the Dartmouth school district.

Mrs. Kyle Riley -- wife of the former Fall River political insider and City Councilor Kyle Riley has enjoyed the benefits of her husband's hackdom. Many were shocked when she was catapulted into the position of Principal of the Fowler School back in 2004 -- after several other candidates were overlooked.

Now, after only two years as the principal of the Talbot Middle School -- she is now moving on to Dartmouth as the Assistant Superintendent.

Congratulations to the Riley family. Political influence has benefited you and provided you with an extraordinary cash windfall.


Brand X said...

The sad fact of the matter is that the South Coast was founded on social and political circles much like this example you've given us.
Old money and political hacks using the blue collar workers of this portion of the Commonwealth to grease the gears of their political machines and line their pockets with our sweat, hard work and more importantly, our money.
I wish that their were more blogs with less sugar coating and molly coddling to those that do disservice to our towns and cities.
Don't stop writing!

Mr. Hesse said...

Hello. Mr. Kyle Riley is a finalist for the Somerset K-8 Superintendent/Business Manager position, along with Dr. Pauline Camara and Mr. Jeffrey Schoonover. Please send along any accurate information you may have about Mr. Riley. Thanks.
~Zarathustra (Notes From Underground)